It seems like there’s no escaping PFAs forever chemical contamination. Just eating one piece of freshwater fish is the equivalent of drinking highly contaminated PFAs water for a MONTH.

Sure you can avoid eating freshwater fish (personally I’m not a fan of catfish–YUCK) but it’s not like you can avoid drinking water. 

This US Map keeps track of what locations have contaminated water the fish live in and people end up eating:

Now that fish may be off the menu, it’s time to look at what can be done to safeguard the water that’s coming into your house.

Email me at Karmynis (at) gmail (dot) com to get a copy of your complimentary water report, if you haven’t already done so.

Now that you got your report, the next step is to schedule a call with me so we can discuss the best solution for you to have safe water in your home.

If you wish, you could even raise your own tilapia using your safeguarded water!

Then if someone asks, “Do you have any PFAs?” You call tell them to “GO FISH.”


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